Frequently Asked Question

What format should I request my Yield data in?
Last Updated 8 years ago

Q. What format should I request my Yield data in?

A. If a consultant or bureau is supplying your yield data, then having it in a format the FarmStar understands will make life a whole lot easier.

The simplest and most widely supported format is a CSV file - "Comma Separated Values with Headers". This is a basic text file with each item separated by a comma. The first line of the file contains a title describing the contents of each column of data. Also, CSV files are easy to work with using Microsoft Excel. Excel can load and save CSV files.

These files are imported from the Data Manager by selecting the "Comma/Tab Delimited (with Headers)" menu from the "Import Data File" button.

FarmStar will recognise a CSV file as a Yield file if one of the titles contains the word "Yield". Beware that you can only have one column with "Yield" in part of the title. If there is more than one, it uses the last one found. i.e. If you have two titles such as "...,Lint Yield,Cotton Yield,...", then FarmStar will use the "Cotton Yield" column as the Yield column, and the other column will be ignored.

Suggested titles that FarmStar recognises are:

* Latitude
* Longitude
* Easting
* Northing
* Height
* Time
* Mass
* Area
* Yield
* Moisture
* Paddock
* Harvest Rate
* Flow Calibration
* Load

The Yield and Harvest Rate fields are expected to be in T/Ha.
Latitude/Longitude and Eastings/Northings are mutually exclusive. Only one pair of values should exist in the file. If Latitude & Longitude are found, they are expected to be in WGS84. If Eastings & Northings, then the MGA94 coordinate system.

Example file:

East,North,Height,Mass,Area,Yield,Moisture,Paddock,Flow Calibration,Load Number

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