Frequently Asked Question

How do I import and geolocate a bitmap image?
Last Updated 9 years ago

Q. How do I import and geolocate a bitmap image?

A. -> If running the mapping module inside of PAM enter the mapping module by clicking the map icon on the toolbar or pressing the F5 key.

-> Via the File/Tools menu select:
- Import / Aerial Photo/Bitmap

-> Select the 'Select Image...' button
- This will open the 'Select an Aerial Photo...' dialog
- Navigate your way through your computer and select the image that you wish to geo-locate

-> Enter a description for the image (eg: farm map - north)

-> Select the 'Digitise Points' button
- At this point you are to select 2 points on the map that is showing on the right hand side of your screen.
- You can zoom into the map by holding down your right mouse button and creating a rectangle, once the mouse button is released, the map will be zoomed into that area. Click on the mapicon at the top of the screen to start again with the full image.
- Use your left mouse button to select the spot that you have a location for.

-> Co-ordinate Entry Dialog
- Select the type of co-ordinates that you have for the location and enter them into the appropriate area of this screen. Be sure that the co-ord type is correct.

-> Your image is now geo-located... to view the image in PAM you will have to:
- Select the 'Import Image to Layer' button.
- Click OK
- Select (or create) a layer and/or layer group for the image to displayed in.

-> Once you click on the OK button, you will be shown the image in the Mapping desktop....
- To ensure that you are able to get back to the image easily in the future it is suggested that you save the view by right clicking in the Views box at the top left hand side of the screen (if not visible, hit the F4 key whilst holding down the shift key).

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