PAM - Mapping
PAM - Mapping
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I change the background colour of all objects on a layer at the same time?
- How do I assign map symbols to existing mobs for use in the PAM Mapping system?
- How do I convert from Decimal degrees to Degrees Minutes and Seconds?
- How do I create paddock names?
- How do I edit Waypoint Names?
- How do I import and geolocate a bitmap image?
- How do I make my image backgrounds transparent?
- I have restored mapping to a new computer and there are no images.
- I'm having trouble getting the corners of two paddocks at the top of a laneway to stop snapping together. Any ideas?
- Images and Cross Zone troubles
- Import a bitmap with attached .gpm, .ers, .gbm co-ord files.
- Importing Photo from Google Earth into PAM
- Is there any way I can duplicate layers?
- My imported image is slightly distorted. Can I correct this?
- PAM Mapping vs. gpMapper
- Should I delete the demo farm and other maps when I install?
- The paddocks were in straight lines while they were being drawn in, however, when I started to zoom out, lines rotated on 5 degree angle
- To assist confusion about Norths in mapping
- What coordinate types (datums) can I use to geo-reference an image?
- What datum type do Fairport SHP files contain?
- What format does my aerial photo need to be in for Fairport software?
- What is the file format for Generic list of points?
- What is the format of the .gpm format used for images by gpMapper & PAM?
- Why have my Symbols & Styles gone missing?