Frequently Asked Question
My imported image is slightly distorted. Can I correct this?
Last Updated 7 years ago
Q. My imported imageĀ is slightly distorted. Can I correct this?
A. PAM with Mapping & gpMapper allow you to move & stretch images on the main screen. While this appears a bit dangerous, it is also a great convenience. To do this:
-> Make sure the aerial photo layer is "unlocked";
-> Click on the image to select it, the "drag handles" will appear at top-left/bottom right;
-> Use your mouse to carefully move & stretch the image to suit your requirements;
-> If you make a mess, exit without saving. If you get it right, lock your aerial photo layer & choose Tools/Save Map.
A. PAM with Mapping & gpMapper allow you to move & stretch images on the main screen. While this appears a bit dangerous, it is also a great convenience. To do this:
-> Make sure the aerial photo layer is "unlocked";
-> Click on the image to select it, the "drag handles" will appear at top-left/bottom right;
-> Use your mouse to carefully move & stretch the image to suit your requirements;
-> If you make a mess, exit without saving. If you get it right, lock your aerial photo layer & choose Tools/Save Map.