Frequently Asked Question
Import a bitmap with attached .gpm, .ers, .gbm co-ord files.
Last Updated 9 years ago
Q. Import a bitmap with attached .gpm, .ers, .gbm co-ord files.
A. To import a bitmap with attached .gpm, .ers, .gbm co-ord files
-> Firstly, using Windows Explorer, ensure that all the required files are in the directory where they will 'live' permanently
- this includes: the .bmp files (the actual images)
- the .gpm files
- the .gbm files
- the .ers files
-> Open your Fairport mapping software
-> Move to the bitmap import screen of your mapping module software
- gpMapper or Farmstar
select: File / Import / Aerial photo/Bitmap (F10)
- PAM QA Plus
select - Mapping Module / File/Tools (F5)
- Import / Aerial photo/Bitmap
-> Select Image (you will have to navigate your way to the directory you previously saved the image and co-ord files to)
-> Import Image to Layer
- You may find it convenient to Create a new Layer and/or Layer Group at this point
-> Repeat this process for all images that need to be imported
A. To import a bitmap with attached .gpm, .ers, .gbm co-ord files
-> Firstly, using Windows Explorer, ensure that all the required files are in the directory where they will 'live' permanently
- this includes: the .bmp files (the actual images)
- the .gpm files
- the .gbm files
- the .ers files
-> Open your Fairport mapping software
-> Move to the bitmap import screen of your mapping module software
- gpMapper or Farmstar
select: File / Import / Aerial photo/Bitmap (F10)
- PAM QA Plus
select - Mapping Module / File/Tools (F5)
- Import / Aerial photo/Bitmap
-> Select Image (you will have to navigate your way to the directory you previously saved the image and co-ord files to)
-> Import Image to Layer
- You may find it convenient to Create a new Layer and/or Layer Group at this point
-> Repeat this process for all images that need to be imported