Frequently Asked Question

Images and Cross Zone troubles
Last Updated 9 years ago

Q. Images and Cross Zone troubles

A. Cross Zone Images / Vectors:

Basic: if you have a cross zone vector/image issue, set the registry:

HKCU\Software\Fairport\Mapping\PreferredZone (DWORD) to be the west most zone.

Notes for young players: the DWORD is a hexadecimal number, you can convert the decimal zone number to hexadecimal using the scientific calculator supplied with Windows.

More Detail:
The new version of gpMapper/PAM (v5.4.1 or greater) has a new setting to handle cross zone images & vectors. A registry setting allows the Program to pre-select a preferred zone to use in these situations.

For example: If you have an orthorectified image which was projected for Zone 55, but extends into Zone 56, it will not display correctly if you move into Zone 56 in mapping. Programs like MapInfo etc, only allow selection of one Zone at a time, but gpMapper lets you scroll around all over the place .. so because we do that, it introduces these cross zone issues by reprojecting data as Zone 56 when really, the user would prefer to stay in Zone 55 projection because of the image.

To get around this, you tell mapping that if it has the choice between Zone 55 & Zone 56, you'd "prefer" it use Zone 55.
By doing this, mapping won't shift into projecting the display as zone 56 until the easting is greater than 400,000m into Zone 56 (usually it flicks over at around 200,000m .. so it delays the kick over another 200Km.. plenty of elbow room to accomodate wide images)


You may create a file that will automatically add the appropriate entry to your registry:

1. Create a text file, then open it for edit
2. Paste the following information into the file
3. Save the file with the extension: .reg
4. Double click on the file and the entries will be automatically created in your registry with out having to use the editor

*** Notes ***
The value used for the zone in this case: 37 is in hexadecimal (Base 8) which equtes to 55 in decimal
Zone 50: value = 32
Zone 51: value = 33
Zone 52: value = 34
Zone 53: value = 35
Zone 54: value = 36
Zone 55: value = 37
Zone 56: value = 38

Copy and paste from between the stars

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




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